Group project, 2nd semester, master at AHO
A cross-disciplinary master course exploring the value of applying service design to housing. Collaboration between OBOS, AHO and Comte Bureau. 
By applying service design to the process of moving in and out of a house or apartment, my partner and I improved the experience of moving. We wanted to tie the whole experience together - from the moment you sign the contract to the day you move out.
We ended up creating a couple of powerful touch points that change the experience of moving.
-  A wayfinder that gives an easy overview of the moving process.
-  Moving and storage service included in the lease.
- An "excitement box" that ties the wait time until moving, to the experience of living in OBOS Living Lab. Since the Living Lab is all about sustainability and community gardens, we created a box with a kit to grow you own mushrooms from coffee grounds from sustainably grown coffee. Every cup of coffee is a reminder of the experience to come.